Collect Company Data Using Dealroom

Discover the Power of Dealroom Integration

Welcome to Dealroom Integration, your gateway to comprehensive company data. In this article, we'll walk you through the simple steps of using Dealroom to gather valuable insights about companies.

Dealroom Offers Two Options:

  • Free: Your default, basic access with limited data points.

  • Premium: The real deal, offering a full spectrum of features and extensive data access (Requires a paid subscription).


Who Can Configure Premium Subscription?

  • Administrators

  • Moderators

Who Can Benefit from This Feature?

  • Administrators

  • Moderators

  • Investors

Free - Limited Access to Data Points

To get started, just click on 'Add new company,' enter the company's name, and a new window will appear on the right side of your screen. Choose to retrieve company data from 'Dealroom.' Even if you're not a 'Premium' user, you'll still gain access to essential company data, visible on the company profile page.

Premium - Unleash the Full Power

Consider upgrading to Dealroom Premium. As a special welcome gift, we offer you '50' free credits for your company. To claim your free credits, select 'Get 50 credits for free - Now' from the Dealroom section inside any company added through Dealroom or through the 'Administration' panel. Each time you add a company, one credit will be deducted.

Once you've activated Dealroom Premium, you'll notice the 'Premium' tag next to the 'Dealroom' button.

Update Existing Companies with Premium Data

With Dealroom Premium, you can effortlessly update any company profile with the latest premium data. From the company profile page, click on the options button and select 'Update data.' You can then choose which fields to update.​

Subscription to Premium

If you're eager to unleash the full potential of Edda's Dealroom integration after using your free 50 credits, you can easily subscribe to Premium. Head over to the 'Integration' section in the 'Administration' panel and select 'I'm interested in subscribing to Dealroom Premium.' The Dealroom team will get in touch to confirm your subscription, and once the process is complete, you'll be ready to take full advantage of Dealroom integration.​

If there is anything you need further assistance with, please contact our support team on the platform, we are always happy to assist.