Comments in Dealflow

Comments provide the ability to communicate between your team within Edda

Written by Andrew Brown

Comments can be added to a multitude of places within Dealflow. Whether you need to leave a comment within a company profile or a task, this can be achieved within Dealflow.

In this article, I will provide an overview of where you can add comments and what features are available.

Commenting on a company profile

In each company profile, there is a dedicated section on the right-hand side of the page for your team to add comments on the company.

Adding a comment is as simple as typing your comment and clicking 'Add'. When adding a comment, you can use the @ symbol to tag a team member. If you have tagged a team member, they will receive a notification that they have been mentioned.

You can also add attachments when making comments. Any attachments will automatically be stored in a dedicated folder named 'Company name - Comments'

available in the company documents tab.

Once a comment has been made, it will be displayed in the comment section of the companies page. A comment can be edited or deleted by clicking on the menu button which will appear if you hover over it. You also have the ability to reply to comments.

Other Comments

Throughout Dealflow, you also have the option to add comments in certain other areas. Anywhere where you see the 'message' symbol, you can add a comment. A few places where you can add these are tasks, team members and within the LP's tab.

If there is anything you need further information assistance with? Please contact our support team on the platform, we are always happy to provide assistance.