Creating an audience for Edda Documents

Define who can can view your uploaded files

The Documents section of Edda suite is a dedicated portal for sharing files with your peers or could be just your own cloud storage. Until now, however, documents were accessible to everyone with access to this portal. But what if there is a confidential file that is meant for a specific person or audience?

This is why we created a feature that lets you create and define audiences for your documents.

Creating and managing your audience:

You can create, manage and delete your audiences from the Audience tab in the administration panel. In the example below, you can see how we can easily create an audience for our legal team who we can then assign to any legal documents we upload into the document center.

In the Documents module, you have the option to either create a folder or place your file on the homepage. After uploading the file, you can control access to it by specifying an audience. Here's how:

  1. Create or select the desired folder.
  2. Click 'Upload a document' and choose the file you want.
  3. Pick the 'Audience' who should have access to this document.
  4. Click 'Upload'.

For existing documents, you can also control access by clicking on the options button, selecting 'Edit,' and adding the desired audience. Save the changes, and access permissions for the existing document will be updated accordingly.

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If there is anything you need further assistance with, please contact our support team on the platform, we are always happy to assist.