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  2. Portfolio Management

Hera.I Captable import

Experience the ultimate in investment management convenience with our AI Cap Table Import feature. Effortlessly upload and integrate a company's captable using advanced AI, eliminating manual data entry, reducing errors, and saving time.

Enjoy seamless cap table management and make better-informed decisions with comprehensive information readily available.

Hera.I activation and credits consumption

Credits are required to use Hera.I features. Please refer to this article to learn more about how to activate Hera.I and the number of credits required for each action.

Access the import page

To import a Captable, navigate to the ‘Captables’ section within any company profile. Select ‘Add new captable,’ and then choose ‘Upload a file.’


  1. Choose the desired round.
  2. Opt for ‘Upload a file’ to import the desired cap table.

    * XLS . CSV and .ODS files can be imported

    If your file has multiple tabs, our system will detect this. Make sure to select the correct tab from the sheet list.

    Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 14.12.02

  3. When ready, click on the ‘Continue’ button.

Note: Upon uploading your document, only fully diluted data will be automatically detected and utilized throughout the process alongside the investor's name and number of shares..


During the validation process, if the dilution sum is not 100, the system will flag this and notify you with a ‘Need Review’ alert, prompting you to make the necessary adjustments.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 14.13.39

Include & Exclude Format

Please note that Edda follows Excel formatting. All operations involving the exclusion or addition of data should adhere to Excel formatting. Example:  Adding data from cell A1 to A30: A1:A30

  1. First, verify if the right columns are imported, even if the import appears successful. Confirm this by checking the header under ‘Dataset’ on Edda and comparing it with the headers in your Excel file.

    Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 14.27.15

  2. Exclude or include any unselected fields. Each Captable is unique; some display total or additional shares for investors between rows. Use Excel formatting to include missing rows.

    - Click ‘Edit’ and determine from which row data should be imported and to which row it should end.

    Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 14.29.49

    - If there are any duplicated or undesired rows, click on the ‘x’ button to exclude them. This will remove the duplicated lines causing abnormal percentage variations from the important lines.

    Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 14.45.53

    Note that excluding a specific row from the first column will also result in its removal from the other columns.

  3. After making the necessary changes and seeing the success notification, you can click 'Continue' to proceed to the final step.

    Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 14.49.45

    STEP 3

    In the final section, you can see a summary of your import with its status. When you're ready, select 'Finish,' and your data will be imported.

    Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 14.50.12

    Feature Performance Highlights

    Hera.I is an AI module that we are continually improving. It can process complex scenarios. This section outlines what Hera.I expects and what to avoid during the import process to prevent slowing it down:

    Expected Behavior and Ideal Captable

    Hera.I expects the Captable file-tab to contain a single Captable with three main headers used throughout the process: "Shareholders", "Number of Shares", and "Diluted Percentage". Here's a sample of the ideal Captable

    Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 17.11.31

    This is how it looks during the import process.

    Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 16.24.29

    Actions to Avoid

    • Avoid including multiple Captables on the same tab. You can have multiple Captables in the same file, but not on the same tab.
    • Avoid including multiple sub-headers.

    Even though we recommend avoiding these actions to ensure the best experience, Hera.I edit model can help you navigate these complex scenarios by following the steps in the 'Include & Exclude Format' section above.

    If there is anything you need further assistance with, please contact our support team on the platform, we are always happy to assist.