How to delete a user

Once a user no longer has a need to access Edda, you may wish to delete them from the platform. This is now possible in administration settings. This guide will display how to successfully delete a user from Edda.

Note: We highly recommend setting a user as inactive instead of deleting them completely as once a user has been deleted, it cannot be reverted.

Disabling a user

You can disable a user by switching the ‘status’ from active to inactive in the user list.

Deleting a user

If you need to delete the user fully, navigate to the user's list in the administration settings. From here, locate the user and click on ‘edit’ and then delete.

Once you have clicked on delete, you will now be required to select who will be the new owner of the items the user is connected to on the platform. These include notes, companies, comments, timeline logs etc. For all comments, we will display that the comment was originally added by the deleted user.

You will receive a confirmation once the user has been deleted successfully.

Note: It is only possible to assign items to either a moderator or administrator.