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  2. Portfolio Management

Importing your data into Edda's Portfolio Management template

To ensure a smooth onboarding experience, we have outlined in this document important steps to import your data correctly.

Each column in the template includes a detailed note at the top to help you fill out the data. Please follow these instructions carefully. The mandatory fields are highlighted with an asterisk (*). However, we strongly encourage you to enter as much information as possible.

We understand that the data import process can be complex, and we are happy to assist you. You will have 5 business days to review and validate all imported data to ensure that everything is correct. 

Keywords and sections on the data import template:

Rounds without investment:
use this section to record financing rounds in which your portfolio companies raised funds but you did not participate. If the company has participated in multiple financing rounds, please register them in different lines as per the example in the template.

Please identify the fund for which you are recording the data, as shown below, and place the tab next to its corresponding fund.

Portfolio Value tab:
This column is dedicated to updating the valuations of your portfolio companies, in case they change, outside of a funding round (both for your investments and  company as a whole). Please identify the fund in which you are updating the information as per the image below:

Investors tab:
this column is used to record LP’s information, such as investor type, amount of shares, commitments, and percentage of ownership.

Operations tab: this column is used to record LP’s historical contributions or distributions, and their respective dates.

Management fees tab: this column is used to record management fees associated with the fund.

Transaction & other tab: this column is used to record transactions and other fees associated with the fund.

Fund Operating Expenses tab: this column is used to record all expenses associated with the operation of the fund.

Reference list:

  1. The date format must be consistent. In cases where no date is provided, the import date will be used instead.

  2. Lead by, this is an internal team member who will be leading the deal or tracking the investment made in the company. Only email addresses are expected in this field. If the email is not associated with an existing user, we will create a new user account using that email and set it as "inactive".

  3. Providing clean data is crucial. Please avoid repeating information in formatted list fields like "Country". For example, instead of inputting "Britain", "England", and "UK", use only one of those options. This will prevent issues with filters, reports and other features.

  4. Notes & Comments columns: To include several notes/comments, add new columns titled “Note 1”, “Note 2", and so on. Add all notes or comments columns in the following order: “Note 1”, “Note 2", “Comment1”, “Comment2", etc. Once you’ve added all Notes and Comments, you can begin to add the Custom fields. An example of how to format a note: text of the noteuser@domain.us. If notes or comments are not associated with any user, the company's owner will be assigned by default. If no owner is found, the first administrator of the account will be assigned as the person who submitted the note or made the comment.

  5. Custom field column: You can add a custom field column at the end after all columns. Enter the field name, type, and specify whether it is mandatory or optional. Also, please indicate whether you have created this field on the Edda platform or if you would like us to create a new one. Below that, you can enter the corresponding values. Be sure to separate the name, type, and other information with a comma. Here’s an example of a custom field: Partner preference, Short-text, Optional. (In Edda).

    Types of custom fields available: Amount, Date, Link, List, Short-text, Long-text, and Tag.

We hope this guide has been helpful in explaining the data import process. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.