Media Tab Overview

Here's a quick overview of how to utilize the media tab on the Dealflow company profile page.

The media was introduced to give you a central place to add and store relevant news articles, videos and media for a potential investment.

Accessing the media tab

Each potential investment contains its own individual media tab and can be accessed by clicking into a company profile and clicking 'media'.

Adding relevant media

Within the media tab, you can insert 3 types of media, there are:

  • Videos

  • Articles

  • News

When you are storing either videos or articles, you simply have to copy the web address into the Video/Article URL field. Once this has been pasted, Edda will automatically scrape the relevant source and auto-populate the title, screenshot and description.

Important: When you add a link to either an article or video, the link needs to contain either www. or https:// at the beginning.

Once you have added media, you can either edit or delete it through the use of the options menu which will appear once you hover over it.

If there is anything you need further assistance with, please contact our support team on the platform, we are always happy to assist.