Database - How to view, edit and delete investments and operations

In this article, I will provide an overview of the database and what can be achieved from within.


The Database within Portfolio Management is the storage centre of all the operations that have been processed within your Fund. Whether you have made an investment, a conversion or an Exit, each operation that is processed will be stored here.

Whilst the database gives you an overview of all your operations, it also provides you with the ability to update and delete operations within your portfolio.

The database can be accessed via the 'database' tab on the side menu.

Sorting and Filtering

Upon viewing the database, your operations will be stored in alphabetical order by company name with each operation in a company being stored in a separate row.

Being able to quickly and efficiently locate your operations is key, therefore we have implemented a search bar to quickly search your operations by company name.

We have also added sorting features that let you sort your database by ascending/descending values of the chosen column.

Editing Data

If you need to update information regarding an operation this can be achieved in the database. Each cell can be modified by double-clicking on it. Once you have updated the data, you will need to press enter to confirm the changes.

Not only can you update operations, but you can also update a company's information through the database.

There are instances of what may seem like duplicate columns e.g. Share price & Share price($). These are unique columns that distinguish between different currency values which may have been used within an investment. The first column will be the currency of the investment with the column containing the currency symbol representing the amount converted into your fund's default currency.

Deleting Operations

Within the database, you can delete any operations that are no longer necessary or created in error. Deleting an operation is very simple and involves selecting the check box of the operation and clicking delete. You will then receive a notification that the deletion was successful.

Within the database view, you can also export your entire fund into an excel sheet. This can be completed by clicking export to excel. For an in-depth view of exporting within Portfolio Management, you can view our dedicated article.

If there is anything you need further assistance with, please contact our support team on the platform, we are always happy to assist.