Edda Mails - How does it work?

Emails are a central piece of your everyday work life. This is why we decided to bring Edda to your favourite email suite.

In order to increase productivity and automation, we provide 2 ways of importing and attaching your emails to Edda Dealflow

  1. Edda Mails - Edda mails provide the ability to connect your email account with Edda to automatically import relevant emails to their corresponding company.

  2. Gmail & Outlook Plug-In - Our purpose-built plugins provide you with the ability to selectively attach an email to a company profile directly from your email account.

How to use Edda Mails

1. Add Team members to Company profiles

Edda mails works by matching the email domain to the website field on the company profile page and existing Team members within your Dealflow with emails you receive. If there is a match, Edda will automatically import and attach the email to the existing company profile.

In the example, any emails you receive from an individual with the domain @spaceX.com will automatically be imported and attached to SpaceX's company profile. (You can exclude certain email addresses, I will highlight this further in this article)

2. Connecting your email account

You can connect your email account from the email tab within the Administration panel.

You can begin the process of connecting your account by clicking on 'connect your mail account'. You will then need to enter your email address and choose your email provider. You can choose between either Gmail, Microsoft(Outlook/Exchange) or Other.

Once you have entered your password and connected your account, you will be redirected to the email page displaying currently connected accounts. Edda will now begin to search and import all appropriate emails to Dealflow. This initial synchronization can take some time to complete.

Important: Edda does not have access to the content of your emails, the content of your emails is yours.

What is the blacklist?

Our system will automatically match all emails containing the company domain and import them into Edda. This may be an issue if there are certain communications you would not like to be imported. This is where the blacklist becomes useful, you can enter any individual email addresses which you would like our system to never import.

Example: If you insert elon@spaceX.com into the blacklist, any emails you receive from this address would not be imported into Space X whilst emails from other individuals from Space X will continue to be imported.

How to use the Gmail & Outlook Plug-In

If Edda Mails is not for you, you can utilise our purpose-built Gmail or Outlook plugin. The Edda plugin provides you more control over which emails you would like to import to Dealflow. Each can be installed by clicking the relevant link and following the installation procedure. 

Although the view of the plugin may vary between Outlook and Gmail, the functionality of the plugin remains the same.

1. Open Plugin from email - Once you open an email in your retrospective email account, you can utilise the plugin. The plugin will open automatically in Gmail. In Outlook, you can open the plugin from the Edda symbol within the email actions buttons.

Once you have opened the plugin for the first time, you will need to proceed to log into your Edda account.

2. Adding a new opportunity from the plugin.

Once you have successfully logged into the extension, you can now begin to create a new opportunity in your deal flow. If the company already exists, you can attach the email to the existing opportunity.

To transfer the email to Dealflow, you need to:

  1. Click Transfer email to Edda

  2. Select which contact and company to attach the email to. At this stage, the extension will check for already existing companies and if one is found it will be displayed and available to select.

  3. If no company exists click Create a new company. You can either create a company manually or use the Crunchbase autofill suggestions.

  4. Finally, select which pipeline you would like to add the company to and click Create company and attach email.

  5. The company has now been created and the email is attached to the company with any attachments located in the documents. Once you switch back to your dealflow, the company will be visible from the new stage.

Customising displayed information

Once a company has been added to your dealflow, the next time you receive an email from the contact, the related company's information will automatically be displayed in the extension. Saving you time by not having to switch between Edda and your email account to keep up to date with the company information.

You can customise which information you would like to be displayed. To do this, simply click on your user profile (normally denoted by your initials on the top right) and click Settings. From here you can click into the dropdowns of each item and select which items you wish to have displayed on the extension.

Attaching emails to an existing company

When you receive additional emails from a contact at the company, you have the option to attach the email and attachments directly to the company. To do this, simply click on the Edda icon and select Transfer email to Edda. If you wish, from the same menu you can also select to share the email (emails are private by default) and sync attachments.

Updating company information directly from the extension

With the Edda extension, you also have the possibility to update company information directly. To do this, simply click on the edit pencil of the information you would like to update and update the information. Once you have completed the updates, click save for the changes to take effect.

Note that the emails you upload to Edda are private by default and cannot be seen by your team members (unless you allowed that when sharing the email) they can only view the subject of the email, not its content. To enable other users from your team to access the content of any email, click 'Share' from the 'Emails' tab.

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If there is anything you need further assistance with, please contact our support team on the platform, we are always happy to assist.