Automation of Requesting updates on Metrics

Automate the process of requesting Metrics updates from your portfolio companies


Metrics play a vital role in revealing the strengths and avenues of improvement for a company. They play a crucial role for VCs to evaluate a company before investment and also help them in the post-investment stage. As much as we all love metrics, dealing with them could be cumbersome and frustrating at times.

As a VC, you have dozens of portfolio companies, from whom you need to gather these metrics and update them on your end. With all the other tasks, you could easily lose control over this nitty-gritty process.

With the help of the reworked "Request Update" feature, we have automated even more of the tasks entailing the collection of metrics from your portfolio companies.

Please note: that your portfolio company team members have to be set up prior to configuring this automation.

How it works?

  • Click on the "Companies" tab

  • Locate the "Request update" button on the top right-hand corner.

  • Choose which companies and metrics you want to request, select how often you wish for this request to be made and click create request.



  • The team/company member will receive a notification asking them to access the platform and update the metrics requested.


Note: You can also access the request metric section from any company metric tab.

How will a company member know what to complete?

Once a user accesses the platform to complete the request, the requested metrics will be highlighted to the user.

How to delete or modify a request schedule

Once a metric request has been created, you can view your metric requests and schedules from within the 'Metric Request' button.

Under the history tab, you can view all the requests which have been sent and the status of whether this has been completed. If a request is 'Awaiting' you can use the 'Send again' button to send a reminder for the metric to be updated.

You can find all your scheduled requests in the Scheduled tab. Each scheduled metric update can be edited or deleted by clicking the Edit button.

We hope you are on top of your metrics and if you need any assistance, please contact our support team.