Overview of company profiles in dealflow

An overview on each feature and tab within each company profile.

In this guide to company profiles in Dealflow, I will provide you with an overview of each feature available in a company profile. After you have viewed this article, you will have the knowledge to know what each item is and how to use it. This article is an overview of each feature, there will be multiple links to more in-depth articles on certain features.

About/Initial Overview

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  1. Stage - Owner - Submissions - This section displays the current stage of the company, who from within your company is involved in the process of the particular company and also the submission tab. If there are multiple submissions of a particular company, you can view each one through this button.
  2. Stage and more actions - Within this section, you can use the buttons to move the company to another stage, more on this can be viewed here. You can also view more options such as exporting, sharing, deleting, transferring a company to another pipeline or creating new submissions.
  3. Source and Company Scoring - Within this section, you can add a source to the company(A source is the individual/company who provided this particular lead). Adding sources will provide you with an overview of who your best sources are, giving you the ability to view who brings the best deals to the table. Also, you can add a company scoring, check this article to learn more about it.
  4. Share Company - This section enables you to share the company profile or specific sections on the profile via a shared link. You can also stop the sharing at any point
  5. Watchlist -  From here you can move the company to the watchlist and set a reminder.
  6. Next Step - Within the section you can move the company to another stage
  7. Reject -  This feature allows you to reject a company. You can add a reason and comment for internal use and also write a rejection email to send to the startup team. Recipients will receive a message similar to this one.

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  8. Company Details - This section is the most important as it provides you the ability to add, edit and delete data relating to the company. 

  9. Tasks - Comments - This is the main section to be able to communicate with your team. You can add comments for your team members. You can also add tasks that act as little to-do's and can be for yourself or assigned to a team member.


The team section on the general information page is the place to record team members from within a company. Not only does adding team members here provide a place to record a company's team, but it also automatically imports each individual to the Edda contact centre. Another benefit of adding team members is that you can utilise Edda mails which will automatically import emails from these contacts.


The metrics tab within a company is the place to record and view important decision-making metrics within each company. For an in-depth article on Metrics please view this article.


The Emails tab is the place to store email communications that relate to a particular company. There are 2 different ways for emails to be stored here. You can either use the Gmail/Outlook Plugin that has been developed by our team. Alternatively, you can enable Edda mails which will automatically import emails into the email tab.


The documents tab within a company's profile is the place to store any documents relating to a company. In the documents tab, you can create file structures and upload company-related files. Documents that have been uploaded in the comments section will automatically be stored here. If you are using either of our email integrations, you can find any attachments here.


In the timeline tab, you have an overview of all the activity that has occurred in a company since entering your pipeline. The timeline includes activities such as uploading attachments, adding comments, emails, sharing, tasks and updates. You can filter the timeline by any of those activities giving you a clearer view of what has happened at each moment.


Within the media tab, you can store videos, articles and news relating to a particular company. This gives you the ability to gather related news and videos in a central place. For more information on the media tab, please view this article.

LP & Partners Tab

The LPs and Partners tab is used to link LPs and partners that are connected to the particular company. Once you have added LPs or partners to the company, it will provide a central place to view who is connected. It will also add the company to the companies tab within any LP or partners within an LP's or Partners pipeline.


The notes tab allows you to add more detailed notes on a company, these can be notes on a previous meeting or even a group discussion on how you feel about the company. You can even use the inbuilt tools to modify the style of your notes.

If there is anything you need further assistance with, please contact our support team on the platform, we are always happy to assist.